Tag Archives: Software

Why the elbwire App is the Perfect Software for Your Energy Consulting

Software für Energieberatung elbwire App

In today’s world, energy consulting is becoming increasingly complex, and both companies and individuals face the challenge of planning their energy projects efficiently while operating sustainably. This is where the elbwire app comes into play—the perfect software for energy consulting that revolutionizes the entire planning process. But why is elbwire the ideal choice for your […]

Kickoff for elbwire: Our Software is Changing the Game

After a year of intense work and tireless development, the time has finally come: elbwire is launching its innovative software solution. This tool is more than just another program – it’s a groundbreaking solution that accelerates the shift toward electromobility and renewable energy. The app helps companies execute their projects efficiently and without unnecessary complexity […]

Thorsten Sobe: From the Vision of Charging Hubs to a Smart Software Solution

Thorsten Sobe, founder of elbwire, is an experienced entrepreneur in the field of electric mobility, passionately committed to advancing sustainable transportation. Originally driven by the vision of developing intelligent charging hubs for urban areas, he encountered unexpected challenges, particularly in finding suitable locations for these hubs. These obstacles led to a pivotal realization: the market […]