Stationary batteries – The stabiliser of the sustainable energy transition 

As the world makes a monumental shift towards renewable energy, stationary batteries are emerging as pivotal components in this transition. These energy storage solutions are more than just backup power sources; they’re enablers of a more sustainable, efficient, and reliable energy grid. Let’s delve into their importance, the challenges faced, and how digitization and AI can significantly enhance the decision-making process. 

Why Stationary Batteries Matter 

1. Flexibility in Energy Supply: With renewable sources like wind and solar, energy supply can be volatile due to their dependence on natural conditions. Stationary batteries help by storing excess energy during peak production times and releasing it when needed, ensuring a constant energy supply. 

2. Avoiding Infrastructure Investments: Often, to accommodate new renewable energy solutions, extensive grid upgrades, including new transformers, are required. These upgrades can be extremely capital-intensive. Stationary batteries can mitigate these needs, allowing for the efficient use of existing infrastructure. 

3. Supporting Electric Vehicle Charging: As the adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEV) increases, so does the demand for charging infrastructure. Charging often happens irregularly and at high power, leading to strain on the grid. Stationary batteries can help balance these loads, ensuring efficient EV charging without grid stress. 

Challenges in Adoption 

While the merits are many, there are challenges in the widespread adoption of stationary batteries: 

1. Initial Costs: High upfront costs can be a deterrent for many potential users. 

2. Capacity Evaluation: Determining the right battery capacity based on current and future energy needs is crucial and can be complex. 

Digitization and AI to the Rescue 

The power of AI, combined with digitization, can significantly simplify the adoption of stationary batteries. elbwire’s solution allows users to find the perfect solution in three simple steps: 

Define the goal that should be achieved in sustainable mobility and energy. For example if it’s and optimal financial business case or increasing the autarky from photovoltaics, in order to use as much self-produced green energy. The software helps in defining suitable targets. 

Get AI-driven, tailored recommendations on battery solutions. A selection of proposed solutions will be recommended within seconds. From the most cost-efficient to the solution with the highest utilization. For example a smaller battery might lead to the financially optimal business case, but a larger battery improves autarky and the emission footprint. The software tells exactly how much capacity is needed or suggested for the individual requirements. 

Select and implement the option that fits the best to efficiently start a sustainable movement. If required, elbwire supports in finding suitable suppliers and implementation partners for stationary batteries. Furthermore, adjacent questions like photovoltaics or charging stations can be quickly evaluated, since the best solutions can be found with an 360° approach. 

Get started with elbwire and find out how stationary battery can be beneficial for your wallet as well as for the environment. The potential of the power and storage capacity is relevant here, so find your perfect match together with us.