Schlagwort-Archive: Fuhrpark

Thorsten Sobe: Von der Vision der Ladehubs zur smarten Softwarelösung

Thorsten Sobe, founder of elbwire, is an experienced entrepreneur in the field of electric mobility, passionately committed to advancing sustainable transportation. Originally driven by the vision of developing intelligent charging hubs for urban areas, he encountered unexpected challenges, particularly in finding suitable locations for these hubs. These obstacles led to a pivotal realization: the market […]

Die Welt an einem Wendepunkt: Nachhaltige Technologien und grüne Innovationen als Schlüssel zur Gestaltung unserer Zukunft

In this spirit, we’re thrilled to host the RECHARGE TOMORROW event at Bethaus, focused on advancing renewable energy and sustainable mobility. A Glimpse into the Event: Next year, the Sternschanze district will set the stage for this groundbreaking event, poised to become a central hub for experts, enthusiasts, and innovators in renewable energy and mobility. […]