MOVE trade fair blog post  

elbwire leaves the port of Hamburg and takes a detour through international waters. It’s off to the MOVE trade show in London. Today marks the start of what is now the fifth edition of the global two-day flagship event. It’s the meeting place of the year for the world’s transport tech and mobility giants. elbwire cannot be missing here, of course. We are part of the action as an exhibitor ourselves and look forward to an exciting day.  

The story behind MOVE 

At the MOVE trade fair, mobility is being rethought with the aim of strengthening the eco-balance to protect the planet earth in the longer term. Carbon-based industries and transportation have severely damaged the earth’s ecosystem and put our habitat at risk. To put an end to this dilemma, the MOVE Fair was created. The goal is to create safe, intelligent, and sustainable mobility. The focus is on the sustainable promotion and development of urban transport. There are no limits for the participants to create a sustainable, exciting, and creative transport system.  

The diversity  

The fair enables a group of stakeholders to come together and enter a dialogue through direct contact. Here, insights are created that lead to promotion and collaboration. Finding a sustainable solution to the global mobility challenge requires thinking and acting differently. The best way to do just that is through a diversity of ideas and implementations. These include new and creative solutions that lead to innovation to promote sustainability and urban renewal.   

This diversity is supported by nearly 900 speakers sharing their knowledge with over 6,000 attendees. We are one of over 150 exhibitors out of over 500 startups in attendance. For a sustainable exchange among peers, there are interactive roundtables and peer-to-peer networks, where we naturally get involved. There are also over 30 conference stages for panel discussions to come together to find sustainable solutions. 

elbwire is a part of MOVEMENT 

The exhibition space provides us a launching pad to establish ourselves in the industry and become an integral part of renewable mobility. We are mainly located in the Start-Up Village with over 500 start-ups from 30 different countries and use this introduction to network internationally and form new partnerships. We meet over 6000 mobility experts here at the show who can help us promote our vision to the global levels. We are soaking up the synergy of diverse creations, through insights into new breakthrough technologies. Mobility is changing explosively, and elbwire is an important part of this fast-moving transformation. The MOVE fair is a great opportunity to influence the direction of urban mobility worldwide and steer it towards sustainability.